Monday-4: Euphiophone Live at SSTN_2
Monday, June 29, 2009
It's Monday morning, I am in work tired & slightly hungover with 'What is love?' (yes, the cheesey dance tune) playing on loop in my head. Had a great time at SSTN_4 yesterday. Will do up a more detailed post about the event in the next few days but for now we'll just say thanks a million to all all the acts, ye were incredible, and thanks to everyone who came along on the day.
Anyway, to relieve this Post-SSTN Monday morning malaise we bring the latest installment in the Second Square To None Monday liveset series
This week we have a liveset by Euphiophone from the second Second Square To None that took place on 8 February in the Joy Gallery. This set features lots of fuzzed-out percussion, live bass guitar, subtle harmonies, industrial textures & delicate instrumentation. Chris Flynn & Melissa Conlon collaborated on the artwork, shown below.
Euphiophone is an electronica artist based in Dublin. He played in a couple of bands in his native Monaghan that set the standards for late-ninties-rock-cover-bands-based-in-Monaghan before becoming a bedroom producer and, consequently, a musical recluse. His music traverses a broad spectrum of influences, with anything from techno to folk to contemporary classical to post-rock to electronica etc etc being featured. He likes trying to reconcile diametrically opposed musical forms within his tunes. He has done a select couple of gigs about town, supporting Black Dog and playing at various Stasis and Second Square To None events. He also does live visuals but thinks that they are often more trouble then they're worth. He enjoys his 9-5 doing design work, and collaborated with Melissa Conlon for the sleeve design of his Second Square To None liveset.
Melissa Conlon
Melissa is a graphic designer based in Dublin. When she's not peddling religious goods she likes design, photography, music and sleeping. She designed the recent SSTN_4 flyer and is currently working on graphics for Magnetize's liveset, to be released in the coming weeks.