Shane McKenna
Check out Shane's Vimeo Channel, which features further examples of his graphic score work.
Animated Graphic Notation - Live Set from Shane Mc Kenna on Vimeo.
Shane created a beautiful audio-visual set for SSTN by composing a graphic score, recording a variety of takes with an orchestra playing along to it and then editing the results into a wonderfully cohesive and rich tapestry of sounds unlike anything you'd usually hear. Mesmerizing stuff.

Shane Mc Kenna is a music teacher and music maker based in Dublin who has been dabbling in animated graphic notation over the last few years, in a quest to create musical collaborations for all. His work has ranged from live performances to workshops and installations, working with a wide range of performers and musicians from electronic artists and random punters in the Bernard Shaw to the ICC ensemble and the National Youth Orchestra of Ireland.
Check out Shane's Vimeo Channel, which features further examples of his graphic score work.
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