SSTN Noise Series # 10: From The Bogs Of Aughiska
Thursday, May 06, 2010
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From The Bogs of Aughiska -Lebor Gabala Erenn by SSTN Noise

Coming from a remote village in Clare, this week's featured artist has a unique angle on noise exploration. When not making evocative dark ambient as From The Bogs of Aughiska, Conor also makes head-exploding gabba / speedcore as Drugzilla.
What are your reasons / motives for making music, and how you arrived at this style?
FtBoA: I wanted to create the musical equivalent of standing on top of the Cliffs of Moher with a gale force wind in your face. Something as dark as Ireland's history but epic as well. The result is 'From The Bogs Of Aughiska'...
I come from a Black Metal background and growing up in rural Ireland where the feeling of solitude and isolation is ever present the music I make portrays the atmosphere using dark ambient electronics, as I don't have the talent or patience to play a proper instrument.
What sort of environment it is intended for /what is the intended effect on listener (if any)?
FtBoA: I'd like to think my music could take you to the environment of the west of Ireland regardless where you are in the world when you listen to it. The intended effect is a combination of sorrow, national pride and euphoria.
What sort of equipment you use (e.g. computer, hardware, home made gear, circuit bent stuff etc.) do you use to make your sounds?
FtBoA:Red Wine, Laptop, Reason 3.0, Audacity, Microphone. All sounds are created, recorded and/or manipulated by me.
Any memorable noise-related incidents/ interesting gig anecdotes?
FtBoA: 'From The Bogs Of Aughiska' haven't played live yet but I would like the proformances to be a bit guerrilla in there style. Playing at midnight on top of the Cliffs of Moher or in the middle of the Burren beside a dolmen. Something a bit extraordinary and spiritual.
As for noise related gig incidents I have got fucked up with Atilla Chisar from Mayhem at a Whitehouse gig in London last year ;).
Info on upcoming gigs, preferred web address, releases etc.
The debut album 'From The Bogs of Aughiska' will be released later this year on Roman Sayenko's [HATE FOREST, DRUDKH, DARK AGES] label Night Bird Records, on 300 hand numbered tape. It will also be released on another label, details of which will be released in the next few months.
For more info please check out:
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