Monday 33: Ciaran Hickey - Irish Ambient Mix
Monday, June 07, 2010
free download,
This mix has been getting a great reception on Soundcloud and Twitter for the last month since Ciaran first uploaded it. A finely crafted mixture of ambient, drone and synth textures from some of the most interesting Irish artists operating today.
Find Ciaran on Soundcloud and Twitter.
01 Donnacha Costello - With Me Still (Pokerflat)
02 Jimmy Behan - Pools (Audiobulb)
03 David Donohoe - In A Glass Of You (Fällt)
04 Boys Of Summer - Coriolis (Munitions Family)
05 Hard Sleeper - Rain Then Red Earth (DEAF CD)
06 Patrick Kelleher - Look I Wore A Tie! (KATIE KIM REMIX) ( Osaka Records)
07 Fovea Hex - While You're Away (Die Stadt, Janet Records)
08 Frózi - Enisle (DEAF CD)
09 Hulk - Photographs ( Osaka Records)
10 Patrick Kelleher - Until I Get Paid (SCHOOL TOUR REMIX) ( Osaka Records)
11 St. Catherine's Home For Lazy Infants - Till Every Motion, Pulse and Breath Be Over... (Slow Loris)
12 iquinn - Carn (Save) (Traum)
13 Fairlights - Summer, Part 2 (Soundcloud Download)
14 Katie Kim - 1 (?)
15 202's - Repeat (SCHFLI Remix)
deadly mix, missing the bear people and children under hoof/catscars to be a "definitive" irish ambient mix, but lovely none the less