Above are recordings of pieces by Amanda Feery, Shane McKenna, Eoin Smith, Laura Hyland, Niamh de Barra, Brian Conniffe and Ian McDonnell.
Photos by Aoife de Burca.
New mix: Jimmy penguin [it depends what your into]
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
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Really nice mix from Jimmy Penguin. He has a great knack for getting an organic flow going within a mix and the selection here is a perfect mix of off-kilter electronics touching on hip-hop, electro and experimental electronica. Includes tracks from Sunken Foal, Laura Sheeran and Jimmy himself aswell as the likes of Loops Haunt, Lorn and Plastikman.
Track listing
Moody atmospheric electronica here from Black Sea project aka Stephen Rennicks and thatboytim. Sounds quite reminiscent of old-school ambient techno which is no bad thing. Available on a pay-what-you-want basis from bandcamp.com.
Takeover Recordings commences it's winter campaign with the release of Black Sea Project's long awaited second album, "Passage".http://takeoverrecordings.bandcamp.com
Based on loops and sequences sent by Stephen Rennicks (drexciyaresearchlab, author of Wire's Drexciya Primer) to thatboytim (Tim Smyth,Takeover Recordings owner), and structured into tracks over a two year period, "Passage" draws on a dark palette of influence, including electro, dub, hiphop,EBM, and techno, influenced by the dancefloor, but not necessarily for it.
Two-step from Leitrim. The recently-released Isolator EP is worth a listen if you're into the Floating Points/2562 end of things.
Dublin-based audio artist Ed Devane presents Stop/Run: part concert, part installation, part sound sculpture, part experiment.
7 composers actively involved in electroacoustic / experimental / new music have been commissioned to write pieces for 5 instruments especially built by Ed Devane. The compositions will be performed at the opening in Severed Head on 11th December, and audio/visual recordings of the performances will be played in the following week.
String feedback prototype from Ed Devane on Vimeo.
More info about the composers & the instruments on www.eddevane.com
Facebook event
'Squick' advances the electronic funk-pop sound introduced in the 'Tour Guide' EP, combining tight vocals and experimental production. Influenced by musics such as 80s and 90s R&B, electro, Detroit techno, Minneapolis funk, electro-acoustic/academic composition, 'IDM', and dance hall.
These nine tracks range from stompers to slow jams, with interludes to aid in your journey.
Square Waves 2.7:...and now for somethings completely different...
Sunday, December 05, 2010
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SHOW 2.7. Tracklist and info
Artist: Clang Sayne
From: Wexford, Ireland and London
Track: Lady Grey’s Allotment
Album: Winterlands
Label: Self-Released
Year: 2009
Notes: Written and Produced by Laura Hyland, performed live without edits, overdubs or outtakes by Laura Hyland on voice and acoustic guitar; James O’Sullivan on electric guitar and objects; Peter Marsh on double bass; Matt Fisher on percussion. recently finished recording their second album, (with Paul May replacing Matt Fisher on percussion) and plan to release it in December 2010. Laura is currently working on a new choral project with composer/vocalist, Judith Ring and vocalist, Laura Murphy. Visit www.clangsayne.net for more details…
Black Sun presents Borbetomagus, Thomas Ankersmit, Usurper & experimental film programme
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Started doing this post yesterday about experimental music/media performances and workshops being organised in Cork by Black Sun as part of ArtTrail, but in the meantime Sweet Oblivion has written a blog on the subject so check out Sweet Oblivion (or Black Sun) for the full details.
From themutation.com:
This December 6th, to mark the grand finale of this year’s ArtTrail festival, Black Sun will be hosting the debut and sole Irish performances of New York’s snuff jazz legends, Borbetomagus, Dutch composer/saxophonist Thomas Ankersmit and Edinburgh’s finest junk merchants, Usurper. There will also be an experimental film programme of work by Stéphane Marti -curated by Maximilian Le Cain. Cork based made-to-order vegan desserts company ‘Sugar Moon’ will be on site selling delicious cupcakes, cake and raw chocolate treats.blacksuncork.tumblr.com
Tickets for the grand finale are €14 are are available from Plugd and on door on the night.
For more information on exhibition, workshops and main concert, visit www.arttrail.ie.
Also, really the flyer design by Holly Burgess and deathorperfection
Jimmy Penguin - Bastard Lawyer / Thumb
Friday, December 03, 2010
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Beautiful work here by the ridiculously prolific Jimmy Penguin. Recalls the glory days of forward thinking instrumental hip-hop by J-Dilla and the like. Download it on Soundcloud.
In addition, he has another release, Thumb (Depiano, above, is the first track), out on the Fusion Netlabel. Download it for free on archive.org.
NOTE: Show in Castlebar has been cancelled. More info on crashensemble.com.
NOTE: Show in Dun Laoghaire has been moved to Belvedere College off of Parnell Square in Dublin 1. More info on crashensemble.com.
Encouraged by their unflinching approach to the weather I can say I will be most definitely going to check the Crash Tour out when it stops in Dun Laoghaire on Sunday. Irish composers are strongly represented in the programme with work by Gerald Barry and John Godfrey, as well as the Irish premiere of Donnacha Dennehy's 'As an Nós' (Soundcloud clip below). Am also intrigued to hear the 'Argentinian Klezmer stylings' of Osvaldo Golijov, while the Jacob TV pieces seems to articulate quite nicely why I have a love/hate opinion of contemporary compositional concepts:
The composition is based on sound bytes from the streets of New York: an angry 'evangelist' on Times Square, and a small choir of the Salvation Army. The groove is based on rhythmical baby talk from 2 little girls: 18 months old Welmoed and 2 year old Amber. The work was inspired by the post 9-11 trauma and the role of religion in the history of man:'God kills'. Is Jesus really coming? It is about time...Description from Jacob TV's Youtube, which has a video of the piece.
For Dun Laoghaire tickets available here, or on 01 231 2929
The tour starts tomorrow in Galway and continues for a very busy week around the country:
Dec 3 : Stranger Folk (Galway) [CANCELLED]
Dec 5 : Stranger Folk (Dun Laoghaire) [VENUE CHANGE]
Dec 6 : Stranger Folk (Castlebar) [CANCELLED]
Dec 8 : Stranger Folk (Tralee)
Dec 9 : Stranger Folk (Cork City)
Dec 11 : Stranger Folk (Newbridge)
Details for all the concerts can be found on the Crash website.
This one features Carol Keogh, who he plays with as Natural History Museum. They perform this weekend in Smithfield as part of this Young Hearts Run Free gig. Flyer below.
Really like the haunting percussive string melodies and sparse percussion in this one.
Interesting to hear these sort of off-the-cuff type tracks, where you get a real sense of artists just tinkering and having fun in the studio, in this case creating delicious pumping aural mush from bass guitar recordings and found samples.
Sampled loads of acoustic bass guitar string harmonics and made an upset rhythm out of them - someone left a rake of 1940's hollywood show tune records in a bin at my apartment so I rescued them and sampled some warblingSunken Tweets
Sunken Soundcloud
We always experimented with pickups, with contact microphones, which pick up the internal vibration within the metal, and get a totally different sound. In San Francisco David Harrington from Kronos Quartet took me to their rehearsal space. They play Neubauten pieces, including ‘Armenia', and they went to a junkyard to try and find some pieces for it. I just had to smile when I saw them because they were so unexpertly chosen. The mistake is to choose something by the sound you make when you hit it, that it is a resonating skin. They had these bathtub things, but the point is you can have a massive block of iron and you put a pick up on it and you have the internal frequencies working for you, which is a completely different thing to thinking it is a kind of metal drums. You have to think out of the normal musical instrumentation. The thing that we have used for the longest time is the amplified metal bass spring. If you hit that without the amplification or the microphone, what do you get? Nothing! You just get a click. The trick is getting the frequencies as they run through the spring, and that is not in the normal category of instruments.Goes to show that even seemingly arbitrary decisions (I always assumed they probably grabbed whatever industrial detritus happened to be lying around the nearest Berlin warehouse) by an artist are often conceived in a very considered and controlled manner, achieved by being carefully attuned to what you're after and applying lots of dedication and experimentation.
Ed Devane 'Room Full of Empty People' EP
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
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Info from Takeover Soundcloud:
Squib leads off with gritty midrange breaks like a slightly more fucked up Surgeon/Counterbalance release, teasing us with a 4 to the floor kick, before dropping it all in alongside some otherworldly chimes and drones. At this point i'm thinking Velvet Underground go techno, and the track becomes a joyous sea of frequencies to abandon yourself in. Surreal and exhilarating.
Hear alternate versions and insight from the man himself in a blog post over on eddevane.com.
Square Waves 2.6: Particles and Smears
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
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SHOW 2.6 Tracklist and info
Artist: Kaffe Matthews
From: London
Track: Skagerrak – the surface is ice I believe
Album: cd cécile
Label: Annette Works
From: London
Year: 1999
Notes: ‘all stuff grabbed and processed live from particular places (plus a scrap of Violin)’ Since 1990 she has been making and performing new electro-acoustic music worldwide with a variety of things and places such as violin, theremin, Scottish weather, desert stretched wires, NASA scientists, melting ice in Quebec and the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra. Currently she is researching 3D composition for outdoor enjoyment through Hammerhead sharks in Galapagos and sustainable vibratory interface design with ‘music for bodies’. Acknowledged as a pioneer in the field of electronic improvisation and live composition, Kaffe has released 6 solo CD’s on the label Annette Works. Kaffematthews.net
Sun Araw, WHOK, Reptile Brain & Niamh de Barra this Friday
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Masters just back for this new EP by Rory St John, out soon on Limetree Projects. Featuring a remix by Fran Hartnett this EP is four big slabs of proper techno.
Square Waves 2.5: Sinners and Saints...
Monday, November 22, 2010
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Double Square Waves today, hope this gospel and blues special helps those suffering from the national gloom.
Show 2.5 Tracklist and info
Artist: Rev. A. W. Nix
From: Chicago
Track: Black Diamond Express to Hell pt. 1
Album: Goodbye Babylon
Label: Dust to Digital
From: Atlanta Georgia
Year: 1927
Notes: cd 6, no. 2
Square Waves 2.4: Gamelan
Monday, November 22, 2010
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Show 2.4 Tracklist and info
Artist: Linda Buckley, co-composed with Mel Mercier
From: Buckley is based in Dublin
Track: Telephones and Gongs
Album: New Music From UCC
Year: 2001
Notes: For Javanese gamelan, She studied Music at University College Cork, and Music and Media Technologies at Trinity College Dublin. She lectures at Trinity College, where she is studying for a doctorate in Composition.
Video: Landslide - Brian Conniffe with Suzanne Walsh
Monday, November 22, 2010
Landslide - Music Video - Brian Conniffe with Suzanne Walsh from Michael Higgins on Vimeo.
Shot in wonderfully scratched and grainy 16mm slow-motion this video by Michael Higgins provides an oddly poignant accompaniment to this beautiful track by Brian Conniffe and Suzanne Walsh.
Pictures - Michael Higgins
Music - Brian Conniffe with Suzanne Walsh
Silk Chroma - Section 2 - Silk Threads Stopped Time from Silk Chroma on Vimeo.
Some meditative visual music work by some of the folk who lecture at the MMT course in Trinity. More information on their Vimeo page.
Silk Chroma is an audio-visual installation that is inspired by the novella Silk as a conceptual framework for the creation of a Visual Music colour presentation, with an accompanying electroacoustic musical composition using synthesized timbres and a surround sound presentation.mee.tcd.ie/mmt
The premiere audio-visual installation took place in the Printing House in Trinity College, Dublin as part of the Innovation Dublin 2010 on November 11th and 12th, 2010.
Visuals: Maura McDonnell
Music: Linda Buckley
Room 2, Mynt, Belfast
£5 before 12, £7 after
10pm - 3am
Tracks and info below taken from the Crash Soundcloud account.
Crash Ensemble commissioned Australian composer Michael Smetanin to write them a piece to be premiered at the Canberra International Music Festival in 2008. The piece, “Shatter”, was hugely successful and broadcast on ABC radio.
Composed by Donnacha Dennehy, performed by Crash Ensemble
Crash Ensemble's performance of Music in Similar Motion by Philip Glass
Really nicely produced video of the Galway-based crew doing their thing.
Full length Video of the Community Skratch Tour 2010. Featuring performances and extras from Oslo Flow, Jimmy Penguin, Deviant, Grandeurs Of Delusion, Unemployed Superheroes, Mikey Fingers and Tweek and more.. For more information go to http://www.nozlrecordings.com
Crash Ensemble video + Jonathan Nangle 'Drift'
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
contemporary classical,
Worth checking out Crash Ensemble's updated Youtube channel. Above is an excerpt of them with Iarla Ó Lionáird performing Donnacha Dennehy's Grá agus Bás at the Samuel Beckett Theatre.
Interesting new piece by Jonathan Nangle (part of the recent Spatial Music Collective event in Severed Head I think), info taken from his Soundcloud page:
Drift (2009/2010) for 2 Electric Guitars and Live Sampling
Drift uses a tuning system as devised by the American minimalist composer La Monte Young for his magnum opus The Well Tuned Piano (1964 - ).
Each guitar is tuned differently within this system and uses only open string natural harmonics found at the 12th, 7th and 5th frets of the instrument. The guitars are sampled in real-time and spatialized across an 8-channel speaker array.
Mr Sunken Foal says that he "will be playing lots of rhythmic stuff i've been working on", which sounds promising and at €5 with Cignol, Platinum Ray and T-Woc playing also it's a steal.
UPDATE: This event has been cancelled.
Silk Chroma at Innovation Ireland
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Printing House, Trinity College, Dublin
Thurs Nov 11th, Fri Nov 12th
Time: 12:00-16:00
Silk Chroma is an installation that employs a technoscience approach to both colour and timbre experience to create a visual music and electroacoustic composition installation piece using a surround sound presentation.Info from www.innovationdublin.ie.
It is inspired by the novella "Silk" by Allesandro Baricco. The technoscience approach to the perceptual aspect of colour and timbre is an innovative, non-standard approach to perceptual phenomena which permits a systematic handling of aesthetic issues; issues which are normally excluded from more scientific/technological considerations.
This event is taking place in the Printing House on the main college campus.
New split CDr on Insult recordings of Boys of Summer && Lunar Miasma! 1 BOS track, 2 LM tracks....Greece meets Ireland in the synthesized race to be thrown out of the Euro! Buy em now before the IMF / EUSF takes em all to pay the crooked billionaire russian bondholders. Smash the Banks!! Smash Angela Merkel! (saucy!)Buy buy buy
3rd release from Irish duo of former raver and Trensmat / Nute Records main man Magnetize and former goth The Last Sound! noise? drone? synth? who knows! Tin whistles, grizzled synths, guitar, women...it's all in there somewhere.Buy buy buy
New music: Rory St John + Nouveau Noise
Monday, November 08, 2010
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Dark claustrophobic banger from Rory St John. Popped up in a Swarm Intelligence mix a while back.
Psychedelic breaks and luscious sampling from Nouveau Noise on this free EP. Download it here.
Will definitely be heading along to this, really exciting line-up of Irish composers doing works for surround sound. It's on in Severed Head, a new gallery space on Mount St., where Ed will be doing his Stop/Run installation/show.
The Spatial Music Collective 8.6
Date: 13 November
Time: 7.30 - 11.30pm
Price: €5

12-5pm 7 November 2010
at: Dublin Food Co-op, 12 Newmarket, Dublin 8.
Independents' Day is an annual event, now in its third year, bringing together independent record labels, zines, comics, artists, writers and musicians to showcase Do-It-Yourself (DIY) culture.
Along with stalls where producers will be selling their wares, there will be an exhibition of independently spirited artists and photographers; screenings and a presentation by Dublin Community Television (DCTV), a workshop in stop motion animation and screenings of short films.
During the day performances taking place include: trad-folk punkers Lynched, electro-acoustic songstress Niamh de Barra, hairy trad by Moses Moorhous and to close down proceedings grungy rock n'rollers Sea Dog!
Independents' Day is a non-profit event its' sole aim to showcase independent/ D.I.Y. culture in the current day. There is a modest entrance fee of €2 towards expenses.
More details at the Independents' Day Blog.
A track written for The Book Club based on The Old Man And The Sea. Beautifully lyrical and evocative stuff, with carefully treated chamber instruments sitting perfectly alongside electronic hisses and reverberating booms.
More music at soundcloud.com/colin-j-morris and colinjmorris.bandcamp.com. We also highly recommend following his Twitterings at twitter.com/colinjm if you're into that sort of thing.
Lakker lads are fairly on fire these days, this is track 3 in their quality free web series. This track brings bass pressure and loping beats with typical Lakker flair.
Info, videos and more free tracks at lakker.wordpress.com
Ronan Dunne - Jigs n rigs live set
Monday, November 01, 2010
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Info from soundcloud.com/ronandunne:
The live set almost identical to what i played at jigs and rigs festival on Rathlin island but it's a live set recorded at home because there was no recording of the gig itself that night. I'll have more of my own tracks up as soon as I get 'm down.
The mix is a pretty hard edge, out the window type thing done with 2decks, a mixer and some records, I'll be putting more up as I go.
They're all played live and unedited so it will be representative of a live performance, I sacrificing some editing type detail for what I can play.
A new track by Swarm Intelligence called "Phases" has just been released on Transporta. It features on a 2-part, free EP, which also includes tracks by Dialect, Pluge, CYP, Wetrix, Tomohiko Sagae and Doryk. Those into dark, heavy, industrial techno should find something to love here.
Download it here.
Square Waves 2.3: ...to Stay Awake to...
Friday, October 29, 2010
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Year 2 Show 3: tracklist and info
Artist: Xela
From: England
Track: Linseed
Album: The Dead Sea
Label: Type
Year: 2006
Notes: aka John Twells, the co-founder of Type records, which I think is based in Manchester. Xela has since released a few limited cassettes, cdrs, lps, and two full length albums, Heors of the Fire, on Rite recordings and In Bocca Al Lupo on Type
New release from Alphabet set with live instore:
The Cignol & t-woc split 7" is out now!!, to celebrate they are playing live instore at The R.A.G.E this Saturday from 5 til 6pm.
So you can take a break from your frantic last minute halloween costume shopping and join us for some beats and bass amongst the retro game consoles and vintage vinyl. Free slices of pumpkin and pints of goats blood for early arrivals.
An album is forthcoming but in the meantime enjoy these two new tracks by A Shadow. Those of you who like a bit of Fennesz, Lawrence English, Belong, Tim Hecker, Stars of the Lid, Susumu Yokota or Colleen will definitely appreciate.
Square Waves 2.2: ROCK!!!...ish...
Saturday, October 23, 2010
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Year 2 Show 2: tracklist and info
Artist: Fantomas
From: California in the US
Track: 18/04/05 Monday
Album: Suspended Animation
Label: ipecac
From: Mike Pattons label from California
Year: 2005
Notes: Formed in 1998 by Mike Patton of Faith No More fame, he is joined by guitarist Buzz Osborne of the Melvins, bassist Trevor Dunn of Mr Bungle, and Drummer Dave Lombardo of Slayer. Suspended Animation was their last release, worth checking out is The Directors Cut from 2001 and Fantomas the debut album from 1998. Also Mike Patton’s albums and collaborations released either on the ipecac imprint or John Zorn’s Tszadik label.

Boys of Summer
w/ guests David Lacey & Paul Vogel
Project Arts Centre
Wed 27 October
8 pm
Boys of Summer
soundcloud | myspace | vimeo
Boys of Summer is a Dublin based synthesizer trio made up of Paul G. Smyth (The Jimmy Cake), Ivan Pawle (Sea Dog) and Andrew Fogarty (Reptile Brain, Toymonger, Weil Rats) on the Munitions Family label.
The group primarily uses analogue synthesizers and tape delays to create a modern electronic sound, which draws from early German Electronic Experimentalists and minimalists like Terry Riley and Brian Eno
Boys of Summer have performed alongside artists such as Cluster, Xeno & Oaklander, Led er Est, Grouper, John Weise, Pocahaunted, Sun Araw, Lucky Dragons and Gnod. To date the group has released three albums on the Dublin-based Munitions Family label; 'V' (2008), 'Pharaoh' (2009) and 'Future Ancients' (2010) and has a forthcoming split release with Greek musician Lunar Miasma on the Insult! label.
David Lacey & Paul Vogel
i and e
David Lacey plays percussion, crude electronics and tapes.
Paul Vogel is an improviser based in Ireland. His original instruments were piano and
clarinet, but in recent years, he has incorporated electronics into his set up. He was
a member of the Bristol Musicians Co-op in the late seventies and is currently co-
curator (with David Lacey) of i-and-e, an organisation which promotes improvised and
contemporary music in Dublin. He has composed music for radio and contemporary
dance groups and has worked with Phil Durrant, Angharad Davies, Lee Patterson,
Keith Rowe and Mark Wastell, amongst others. He has released recordings on Cathnor,
Confront and Homefront.

Dublin-based audio artist Ed Devane presents Stop/Run: part concert, part installation, part sound sculpture, part experiment.
6 composers actively involved in electroacoustic / experimental / new music have been commissioned to write pieces for 5 instruments especially built by Ed Devane. The compositions will be performed at the opening in Severed Head on 11th December, and audio/visual recordings of the performances will be played in the following week.
Composers (in alphabetic order)
Brian Conniffe
Niamh de Barra
Amanda Feery
Laura Hyland
Ian McDonnell
Shane McKenna
Eoin Smith
The instruments have been designed to give the composer a wide range of choices to make sound. Strings, air chamber resonators, whistles and percussive objects will make sound acoustically; these will be rigged with pickups for electronic processing and amplification, and computer control via arduino of motors and electromagnets will allow for machine sequencing of physical instruments.
Square Waves 2.1: Back With Sludge and Doom
Thursday, October 14, 2010
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square waves,
Track: The Jonah
Album: The Jonah
Label: Camera Obscura
From: Austrailia
Year: 2009
Notes: : constantly changing collective of Irish musicians mainly based in Dubin and Cork, the players are involved in numerous projects such as Munitions Family, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Agitated Radio Pilot and Wyntr Ravin.
Video: Niamh de Barra live at Cusp launch
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Niamh de Barra,
Niamh de Barra Dwell from Neasa de Barra on Vimeo.
Niamh de Barra performing a cracking unreleased track called 'Dwell' at the Cusp EP launch in the Joinery on the 8th of August 2010.
Many thanks to Neasa de Barra for putting this together, and to Nob and Tom O'Dea for shooting it.

Evening of improvised music featuring Ian McDonnell (Eomac/Lakker) and Shane Latimer of Bottlenote Music.
Fri 22nd October at Hello Operatorwww.hellooperator.org
AJM Collective (Portugal) meets Bottlenote Music (Ireland)
AJM Collective is an improvised music ensemble, well known for the influences of free jazz and experimental music, in live performances the music interacts with image in real time.
Marcelo dos Reis (guitar)
João Apolinário (drums)
Manuel Ara (tenor/soprano saxophones)
José Miguel (double bass)
Kátia Sá (visual installation)
Bottlenote Music is an artist-led project dedicated to presenting Dublin's leading musicians working in improvised music today.
Shane Latimer (guitar)
Ian McDonnell (laptop)
Doors 8pm, €8
DJ Set: Swarm Intelligence @ Bethanian 01.10.10
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Swarm Intelligence, every set he gets better and better. Also, check out this article he put together on granular synthesis.
Mix by Solar Bears following the recent release of their debut on Planet Mu. Aptly described as "makers of dream-like psych, kraut and ambient soundscapes that evoke the sounds of synth legends like Giorgio Moroder, John Carpenter and Klaus Schulze".
Found via @solar_bears. More info on Bestiblog.
Children Under Hoof - SW Mix / School Tour EP
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
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New Skinny Wolves mix, looks like a very interesting tracklist from Children Under Hoof. More details (including full tracklist) on Children Under Hoof/School Tour man Ger's blog.
A mix I made for Skinny Wolves's ongoing mix series compiled by bands that are/ have play at their shows. I asked the four other members of Children Under Hoof to give me three songs each that reflected what they think influences their input into the Hoof's "sound". I send Saturday mixing them together with some film and TV clips, slowed down vinyl rips and songs that get me all hot and bothered.

More info on the always excellent Harmless Noise.
Monday 35: Rory St John on Beton Radio
Monday, October 11, 2010
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Direct link to Beton show featuring Rory St John set
2. rsj - Krayon (unrel)
3. uninerves - black ops (mantrap)
4. rsj - 12 bullet (unrel)
5. rsj - chew (unrel)
6. rsj - 13 bullet (Limetree)
6. rsj - wasted (Stasis)
8. Black SMith Craft - The End of Everything (rsj remix) (Limetree)
9. rsj - Widow (teskoba)
10. rsj - untitled (Limetree)
11. rsj - deglove
12. Madtek - The Dark age (rsj remix) (Digital Distortions)
Played Monday 6-10-10. Beautiful improvised noise.
Really enjoying the Sweet Oblivion radio shows. Featuring her usual engagingly eclectic selection, the one featured here also includes a track by Niamh de Barra from her SSTN released EP. A regular on RTE 2XM, you can check out her back catalogue of shows on Soundcloud and her blog. Lots to see and hear.