Dublin-based audio artist Ed Devane presents Stop/Run: part concert, part installation, part sound sculpture, part experiment.
6 composers actively involved in electroacoustic / experimental / new music have been commissioned to write pieces for 5 instruments especially built by Ed Devane. The compositions will be performed at the opening in Severed Head on 11th December, and audio/visual recordings of the performances will be played in the following week.
Composers (in alphabetic order)
Brian Conniffe
Niamh de Barra
Amanda Feery
Laura Hyland
Ian McDonnell
Shane McKenna
Eoin Smith
The instruments have been designed to give the composer a wide range of choices to make sound. Strings, air chamber resonators, whistles and percussive objects will make sound acoustically; these will be rigged with pickups for electronic processing and amplification, and computer control via arduino of motors and electromagnets will allow for machine sequencing of physical instruments.
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