In case anyone has noticed, many of the Soundcloud files from our sizable back catalogue of mixes and livesets are unavailable. This is because our hosting plan with them has expired and we currently don't have any funds to renew it. For the time being we have a limited selection of recent stuff available on a free account. The Noise and String Series pieces are unaffected by this. We hope to make everything available on a new and improved website before the end of the year. In the meantime, if anyone comes across a particular liveset/DJ set that they want, drop us a mail at hello(at) and we shall do our best to accommodate you via dropbox or similar.

How's about a pledge type thingy from those of us who listen?
Cheers for the suggestion Alan. Some other folk mentioned this idea on Twitter and it's something we may consider. My initial feeling on it personally is that I am reluctant to have the hat in hand when lots of other people are struggling to get their own work financed also, but perhaps I'm looking at it from the wrong perspective. At any rate I shall put it to the Grand SSTN High Committee :)